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  • Potholing / Daylighting

  • Slot Trenching

  • Debris Removal

  • Exposing Utilities

  • Piling Hole Excavation

  • Cold Weather Digging

  • Remote Digging

What is Hydro Excavation?

Hydro excavation is a non-mechanical, non-destructive process that uses pressurized water and industrial-strength vacuum to simultaneously excavate and evacuate soil. As hydro excavation safely breaks up soil, the soil and water slurry is conveyed by vacuum to a debris tank. 

Instead of manual or mechanical digging methods, hydro excavation uses water to break up soil, virtually eliminating any risk of underground utility damage. The hydro excavation process results in safe, fast, precise excavations requiring less backfill, labor, restoration, and reduces environmental impact compared to traditional excavation techniques.